MAHLKOENIG is the exclusive provider “Cup of Excellence”.

MAHLKOENIG is the exclusive provider of coffee grinders for the “Cup of Excellence”, the most prestigious award for quality coffee.

The best coffees of one year’s crops from eight Latin American and two African countries are ground for cupping with the versatile MAHLKÖNIG Guatemala Lab grinder.

With the Guatemala Lab, MAHLKÖNIG provides the competitions in the individual countries with a precision grinder which was designed for use in laboratories, tastings and roasteries. It grinds even small amounts of roasted coffee without residue. Cross-contamination when grinding different coffees is reduced to a minimum, e.g. a special spout with knock off device facilitates the removal of left-over coffee powder before the next grinding operation.

The Cup of Excellence will start at the end of January in Brazil, followed by El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Burundi, Ruanda and Colombia during the course of the year. MAHLKÖNIG Guatemala Lab grinders will be used in all national competitions to grind fresh coffee for each round of tasting. This is particularly important for these exquisite qualities, as even the finest nuances of flavor play an important role in the evaluation.

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